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You know how it goes: you start your test prepared and riding high from a fantastic warmup. Your horse halts square at X and trots off smoothly. You reach C… and your mind goes blank. You turn right, but you should have turned left. In the bushes, a bunny is muttering about Albuquerque.

Maybe not the last part.

Anyway, we all have bad days. Things go wrong. Today is one of those days for this site, apparently.

All you can do is turn around and try again. 

No, seriously, try again. This page doesn't redirect or anything. It just sits here.

A bad AI image of a bay horse wearing a champion ribbon, holding a trophy, and extending a leg up to the sky. The horse has a total of 6 legs (and other AI errors)

Sorry about the picture. AI was having a bad day, too.

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